Category: Rgb

An RGB mouse pad is a type of computer mouse pad that has built-in RGB lighting. RGB stands for "Red, Green, Blue" and refers to the three primary colors of light that can be combined to create a wide range of colors. RGB lighting can be customized to display different colors and lighting effects, which can add a stylish and personal touch to your computer setup. Some RGB mouse pads also come with software that allows you to customize the lighting effects and synchronize them with other RGB peripherals, such as keyboards and mice.

  • World's first double-sided RGB QcK Prism mousepad

    World's first double-sided RGB QcK Prism mousepad

    The QcK Prism is the first-ever double-sided RGB dazzling mouse pad with a micro-textured hard polymer material that provides a great balance of precise control and fluidity. QcK Prism is equipped with a perfect 360-degree, 12 independent area leading Prism RGB lighting effects, and supports SteelSeries GameSense technology, which can provide perception for some situational…